Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brunchcast - Nero's Guest

"brunchcast". an open forum that nurtures dialogue on social issues, through interaction and films, and ofcourse, food.                  
In this series, we presented "nero's guest" : a story about india’s agrarian crisis and the growing inequality seen through the work of the rural affairs editor of hindu newspaper, p sainath. through sustained coverage of the farm crisis, sainath and his colleagues created the national agenda, compelling a government in denial to take notice and act.

We were fortunate to have a very educated and enlightened farmer with us to discuss these issues further and answer all our questions.  Dr. Seemantini Pathare, is a highly accomplished gynecologist by training.  Having practiced medicine in both India and UK, she returned to her roots and gave it all up to follow her true passion: farming!  For the last few years, she has been doing modern farming and horticulture at her farm in Talegaon and is also pursuing traditional organic farming on her virgin forested land in Dapoli. In her own words "took refuge from medicine and settled in with nature", she provided us with insights to ground reality, while taking us through her stories as a farmer. 

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